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Is sitting really the new smoking? Join us in uncovering the health risks associated with prolonged sitting and find ways to counteract them.#MindfulnessWorkout...
Gratitude in Nature's Embrace 🌼🌳💖"In the midst of this mesmerizing natural beauty, our hearts are invited to be grateful for every moment we are given....
The Art Of Gratitude is a group of nine talented artists teaching a week long online class. This video is a small glimpse in to Julissie Saltzberg & Mary Cline&...
Welcome to Love Bliss! In this video, we delve into the beautiful relationship between a Guru and disciple, exploring how divine grace, humility, and gratitude...
Relax to the soothing sounds of serene music and find peaceful moments of calm. This calming music is perfect for deep sleep and stress relief, as well as for m...